Saturday, November 20, 2021

Why Phil Heath Shouldn't Officially Retire!!

Phil Heath could still keep a lot of muscle mass, while dropping anywhere from 20-50lbs of muscle, and still looking in striking range of doing a comeback and/or transitioning to the different walks of life (e.g. acting, radio/tv, media). Phil could do everything Kai Greene is doing with even more success. Let's not forget Phil has The Rock, Danny Garcia, and to a certain extent, Patrick Bet David, in his corner.

Heath, like Greene, could enjoy years of fan-based hype surrounding a possible comeback by simply teasing at it and/or hinting at competing right around key shows like the NY Pro, Chicago, the Arnold or The Olympia. It's easy, it's effective, and it's free!! That being said, if Phil should ever officially retire, then this angle goes away. This is why Kai has never officially retired, like Dexter Jackson did at the 2020 Mr. Olympia, and that's why I don't we'll see Phil do so, either. It would be a really bad career move, IMO.

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